The 7-month growing period for our citrus varieties starts in April when trees begin to bloom in the gorgeous California sunshine. The fruit matures and by the middle of June we are able to make an estimate for the size of the upcoming crop. Harvest starts in October, all done by hand and picked into bins. After the previous year’s harvest, pruning is done with yearly machine topping and edging, allowing sunlight to permeate throughout the tree and produce the best quality and flavor in each piece of fruit.
Our citrus is grown in a three-county area, with supply that allows us to provide citrus throughout all 12 months of the year. Bravante Produce grows and packs a number of citrus varieties: Navels, Minneolas, Lemons and Valencias. Navels are available from November to June, Minneolas the middle of February to the middle of April, Lemons January to June and Valencias middle of April to October.
Citrus Varieties



Cara Cara Navels

Gold Nuggets

Late Navels



